Nuway Tuftiguard

Each Tuftiguard mat is assembled of aluminium (100% recycled), buffed or unbuffed prime rubber and polyamide fibre composite wiper strips. The wiper strips and scraper bars are assembled in an open or closed construction with high tensile electro galvanised steel wire linkages running through the components to give the mat its structural integrity and superior load bearing capacity.

As Tuftiguard is produced in modules to individual specifications, a single section of matting may contain any number of different combinations, including open and closed constructions, single and double wiper bars, unbuffed and buffed finishes, featuring any combination of colours.

Click here to download our technical specifications guide



Additional Information

  • Wiper strips: These can be specified in both single and double format. Double offers twice the wiping area to increase moisture absorption over a shorter distance.

  • Scraper bars: As the name suggests, they scrape soil from the traffic walking across the mat .

  • Closed construction: This is suitable for both interior and transitional areas. Soil removed from shoes and wheeltreads is collected within the mat itself.

  • Open construction: This provides more storage capacity for wet and dry soil. Removed particles and moisture can fall through the open sections in the mat.

Tuftiguard Design Colours

The role of an entrance flooring system British Standard 7953 Part 5.1

"The entrance flooring system should scrape, wipe and retain soil, making contact with both feet of people entering the building and, in the case of wheeled traffic, with the circumference of the wheels"

British Standard 7953: 1999 states that EFS is necessary in order to:

  • Reduce the risk of slip injuries
  • Prolong the life of the interior floor finish
  • Reduce the cost of ongoing maintenance